Application Form

Below is the application form for the Rise Up Program.

Please be aware that this program has a capacity for up to 40 youth per year. Waitlist time can vary, once your application has been received we will contact you to complete a pre-screening.


  • Youth are motivated to find and maintain community-based employment or work experience
  • 15-25 years old
  • Ability to work independently in the community without long term program support
  • Face one or multiple barriers to community-based employment (barriers may include developmental diversability, low education, no or little community engagement, mental health condition, physical diversability, low literacy or language skills, criminal record, low or no work skills, no work experience)
  • Applications can be completed by: youth, family member, caregiver, or support person

Who is submitting this application?(required)

Preferred form of communication


<strong>Youth identifies needing employment support for the following reason</strong>(required)

Proposed Goals(required)

<strong>Is the youth currently attending or has the youth graduated secondary school</strong>(required)

<strong>I understand my submitted information may be stored on servers outside of Canada</strong>(required)